Execution of vertical pump VPN for the fertilizer sector in Egypt

Vertical pump for fertilizer industry

Execution of vertical pump VPN for the fertilizer sector in Egypt

vertical pump fertilizer

Vertical centrifugal pump VPN execution in triple column that allows the entire execution in PVDF material of the parts in contact with the fluid. Intended fro the chemical and fertilizer industry sector in Egypt with the following specifications.


  • Flow = 420 m3/h
  • Head = 37, 6 mcl
  • Immersion length: 1700 + 1000(F)
  • Chemical liquid: Phosphoric acid 26% at 70ºC
  • Model: VPN/150-400
  • Power = 132kW, 1500 rpm


  • This equipment has been intended for the chemical and fertilizer industry sector.

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